Yes, you can get a Kia business lease. We offer a wide range of deals across the whole Kia range, so you could be driving away in a brand-new Kia Sportage, Picanto, or even the brand-new EV9 sooner than you might think. |
Business Lease
& Contract Hire Deals
If you're looking for reliability, up-to-date technology, and a comfortable drive, your search stops here with Kia business contract hire.
From the start, Kia has managed to position itself as a hugely popular option for business leasing, and it's not hard to see why. With such an extensive range spanning everything from city cars to SUVs to all-electric vehicles, there's sure to be a Kia lease deal that suits you.
When it comes to practical and spacious vehicles, Kia has outdone itself with the options including the ever-popular Sportage, the luxurious Sorento, or any of the 'Ceed' range; the XCeed, the Ceed, and the ProCeed.
Need something a little smaller for the daily commute? The Kia Picanto is a fantastic option.
Kia has got you covered if you're looking for an all-electric vehicle too, with a choice between the e-Niro, the fantastic EV6, the chunky EV9, or the funky Soul. Not only are they good for the environment but they're good for your wallet too, allowing you to enjoy all the benefits of zero-emissions driving with reduced running costs and the lowest rates of BiK tax.
We offer Kia business leasing offers on all Kia vehicles; you just pick the terms.
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Frequently asked questions
The price of a Kia business lease will vary depending on the model that you choose. The cheapest Kia lease is currently on a Kia Picanto and is £176.88. |
The cheapest Kia to lease is currently the Kia Picanto, with a monthly price of £176.88. If you’d like to know more about this deal, or any of our Kia business deals, please contact our leasing experts. |