Business car lease deals
Looking for a new car?
We offer a wide range of affordable business car lease deals across every make and model, so there’s no need to tear your hair out searching for your next set of wheels.
With business car leasing deals available on a wide range of cars, from Skoda to Vauxhall to Tesla, and everything in between.
All our lease deals can be customised to suit you, so you can pick the lease term, initial deposit and annual mileage. When you lease a car, you can bundle extras like servicing and maintenance into your monthly payment.
Get in touch with our experts, and you’ll be well on your journey to car leasing success.
Polestar 2 310kW 82kWh Long Range Dual Motor 5dr 4WD
Known for their sporty prowess and sensible Scandi sense of style (say that five times fast), Polestar have become a big player on the EV market over the last few years.
And the Polestar 2 is the cream of their current crop, muscling competitors like the Tesla Model 3 out of the way to stand proudly on its own two feet.
Er. Make that its own four wheels.
Officially designated a fastback, this is one EV deal you don’t want to miss. Coming in at a frankly astonishing price, with the astonishing stats to match (367-mile WLTP Comb range, 35 minute charging time with a fast charger, 405L boot), the Polestar 2 is an excellent option for your next electric lease.
Even if you’ve never considered going electric, you can’t help but love this one. A little like a holiday in a log cabin in a pine forest, it’s a breath of fresh air in what is quickly becoming a crowded market.
But you’ll want to be quick. Deals this nice don’t stick around forever.
236 vehicles available