Volkswagen is an automotive brand we’ve all heard of.
And one that has enjoyed lasting popularity across the board over many years. But what is the secret to this lasting success?
And when we talk success, Volkswagen currently couldn’t do any better.
Pipping Ford to the popularity post (try saying that after a beer or two), Volkswagen registered the most cars out of any other manufacturer across the whole of 2023.
2024 also looks set to be a similar success story for them, as they still lead the pack. At the time of writing, Volkswagen are nearly 20,000 units ahead of their nearest competitor (to quantify the magnitude of that, 20,000 is near enough Honda’s total sales tally).
While we’ll wait for the year’s stats to be released in full before looking too closely (which, let’s be honest, will be here in no time – hands up if you’re already preparing for Christmas?) Ford look set to fall significantly behind, with Volkswagen’s nearest foes now being BMW, Audi and Kia.