Fancy some private number plates?
New car registration numbers will soon be here but if you’re thinking about swapping your 22 plates for a more personal approach, you might be interested in these…
Personalised number plates – the ultimate status symbol or not to your taste? Whichever camp you fall into, there’s no denying that they’re big business. So big in fact, that some people will go above and beyond to secure a cherished plate.
Quite how far though might surprise you! Whilst the puerile among us (me) would place a higher value on a personalised number plate that spells out a rude word; the world’s best-selling plates are decidedly more sensible.
We discovered which plates sold for, frankly extortionate amounts of cash. Mostly for your amusement but for reference, if there’s anyone out there willing to splash out, I’m plumping for P00 FCE.