If there’s one thing we like, it’s when cars get a bit daft. Enter – 20 of the weirdest, wildest and wackiest car names that actual genuine cars have ever been named.
Trawling the depths of the internet for the bizarre things humans get up to is one of our top hobbies. And humans really do get up to some proper odd things.
However, we have a bone to pick with car manufacturers.
We cannot help but feel that in recent years – with some notable exceptions – car names have become a little bit dull. It’s all letters and numbers and nothing overly fun. We like fun! In a world where life can feel all too serious, is it not nice to have a vehicle sat on your driveway with a daft little name?
Shakespeare famously once said a ‘rose by any other name would smell as sweet’, and he’s not wrong. The Kia EV6 would still be the same excellent car we know and love even if it had a name as ridiculous as the contenders down below.
Speaking of which, we promise that all of these cars are real, genuine cars that once existed somewhere in the world (and some of them are still kicking around today).
After some serious research, we’ve narrowed down the seemingly endless list of cars with silly names into our top 20 favourites for your reading pleasure.
And some of them are exceedingly daft.
And we could not be happier about it.